We're launching a new podcast! This episode is a sneak peek into Truth over Tribe. This week, https://twitter.com/PatrickKMiller_?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor (Patrick) sits down with pastor and author, https://johnmarkcomer.com (John Mark Comer), to discuss the state of American Christianity in our modern world. Who killed it? Can it be revived? They specifically highlight the topic of millennials and religion, analyzing why this generation is leaving the church in waves. John Mark shares various insights, many borrowed from his new book, https://johnmarkcomer.com/about (Live No Lies), as the two discuss everything from the tectonic shifts of the culture war to celebrity pastor culture. Subscribe to https://podcast.choosetruthovertribe.com/public/98/Truth-Over-Tribe-9f32ad1e (Truth over Tribe).
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