Paul’s Conversion
Date: April, 2024
Early Childhood Essential: God is in Control
Memory Verse: "We are being changed to become more like him." -2 Corinthians 3:18
Bible Story Focus: Paul’s Conversion
Lesson Overview:

In this lesson, children will hear the conversion of Paul, understanding that God can change anyone because God is in control. Paul’s whole life was changed when he met Jesus, and our lives can be changed in the same way too! 

Date: April 28, 2024
Early Childhood Essential: God is in Control
Memory Verse: “We are being changed to become more like him.” -2 Corinthians 3:18 (NIRV)
Bible Story Focus: Saul’s Conversion Pt. (2 Acts 9:10-22)
Lesson Overview:

In this lesson, children will hear about Saul’s transformation into a follower of Jesus. Not only did God restore Saul’s sight, but God opens Saul’s eyes to his own sin and helps him turn to Jesus. This story shows us that God is in control, he has the power to change hearts and change lives.   

Circle Time Questions: (Preschool Purple Only)
  • Can you think of anything that changes in a big way? (ex- caterpillar into butterfly, turn lights on/off, hot or cold water from sink, etc...)
  • Blind and Now See Game

Date: April 28, 2024
Early Childhood Essential: God is in Control
Memory Verse: “We are being changed to become more like him.” -2 Corinthians 3:18 (NIRV)
Bible Story Focus: Paul is Changed (Acts 9:19-31; Acts 13:9)
Lesson Overview:

In this lesson, children will hear of Saul’s name change to Paul and his life after meeting Jesus. Children will hear of Paul becoming friends with Barnabas, one of the few men who believed Paul had been changed. Children will learn that Paul is now a man that wants to tell everyone about the love of Christ.

Circle Time Questions:
  • Do you know what your whole name is, first, middle, and last? Share these around the room!
I Wonder Questions (Snack Time Discussion):
  • What did Saul do after Jesus changed his heart?
    • Saul told everyone he could about Jesus.
  • What was Saul’s other name?
    • Paul
  • Who changes us to be more like him?
    • Jesus, our forever king
  • 8:30am/11:00am: Telephone Game
  • 9:45am: Make New Friends

Date: April 28, 2024
Unit: Worship
Elementary Essential: God is glorious: He is worthy of all of our worship and praise.
Memory Verse: "Praise the Lord for the glory that belongs to him. Worship the Lord because of his beauty and holiness." -Psalm 29:2
Unit Overview:

One way we might define worship is that it means to love something enough to build our lives around it. It’s what we treasure the most. Every human being in the entire world worships something or someone. That’s because we were created to worship! The problem comes when we love and worship things, people, or ourselves instead of the One True God. The Bible says we are created to worship the one True God—to bring him glory—in everything we do in life. That means we not only worship God at church, but we can worship him through the art we create, through music and dance, during sports and games, when we eat and drink, and when we serve others. We are happiest and most satisfied when our worship is centered on him. Kids will learn the Worship Equation: True Worship = Recognizing God + Right Heart Response. In this unit, children will read five Bible stories that showcase different ways people worship. They’ll identify what the people involved knew about God and how their hearts responded rightly in a variety of ways that we can worship God through as well (song, giving, welcoming others, serving, and obeying).

Lesson Title: Welcoming Others
Lesson Overview:

Kids will read and discuss The Big Wide Welcome by Trillia Newbell and learn that when we recognize God has loved and welcomed us, we can worship him by loving and welcoming others. They’ll end their time by brainstorming someone they could welcome at home, school, the park, church, etc…

Lesson Scripture: James 2:1-26
Lesson Objective: Kids will learn that one way we can worship God is by welcoming and loving others, no matter where they are from or what they look like.
Lesson Application: When we recognize that God loved us even in our sin, no matter what we look like or sound like or where we are from, it can cause us to worship him by loving others both here and all around the world.

The Church: Believing the Gospel, Sharing its Message
Date: April 28, 2024
Unit: The Church: Believing the Gospel, Sharing its Message
Elementary Essential: God is Glorious: He is worthy of all praise.
Memory Verse: “Let us not give up meeting together. Some are in the habit of doing this. Instead, let us cheer each other up with words of hope. Let us do it all the more as you see the day coming when Christ will return.” -Hebrews 10:25
Unit Overview:

In this unit, students will learn that the Church is the community of all true believers for all time. Students will study the spiritual transformation that took place in the early church (Acts 2) and learn what it looked like then, and how it can look now. Each week, we’ll take a closer look what the Bible teaches about the Church and the implications it has on the Church today. Throughout the unit, students will learn about Pentecost, how God’s church is for all people, how God furthers his church, and how they can be part of God’s church.

Lesson Title: The Church Continues Today
Lesson Overview:

Since the beginning of time, God’s people learned about him as others passed on their “baton of faith.” In this lesson, kids will learn about the Great Commission and how as Christians, we can follow it and pass on our batons of faith to others. Kids will learn that it’s through God’s people that the church continues today.

Lesson Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20
Lesson Objective: Kids will know that Jesus’ work did not end at the resurrection but continues today through the church.
Lesson Application: I can pass the baton of faith to others to help God’s church continue to grow.

Date: April 28, 2024
Unit: Judges
Elementary Essential: God is our rescuer: He graciously rescues us from our sin and the destruction it causes.
Memory Verse: “The Lord is tender and kind. He is gracious. He is slow to get angry. He is full of love. He won’t keep bringing charges against us. He won’t stay angry with us forever. He doesn’t punish us for our sins as much as we should be punished. He doesn’t pay us back in keeping with the evil things we’ve done.” -Psalm 103:8-10
Unit Overview:

Judges is a book about a gracious God delivering an unworthy people from the mess they create over and over again. In this unit, kids will hear how once the Israelites settled in the Promised Land of Canaan, they turned away from loving and obeying God and instead “did what was right in their own eyes.” Again and again, the Israelites fall into a cycle where the people rebel, God disciplines them, the people repent and cry out to God, God sends a judge to liberate the people from their oppressors, the people live in peace, and then once again forget God and go their own way. Though the book appears to contain one dismal story after another, it contains the Gospel as a long-suffering God of mercy continually working to rescue his undeserving people. It points us to Jesus—the ultimate Judge and rescuer we need.

Lesson Title: Samson
Lesson Overview:

In this lesson, kids will hear the story of Samson, the source of his strength, how he fails to follow God perfectly, but how God ultimately still uses him to rescue his people despite his imperfect faith. Later, kids will see how the story of Samson points to Jesus.

Lesson Scripture: Judges 13-16, Hebrews 11:32, Psalm 28:7, 29:11, 46:1
Activity: Strongest Person Olympics