Couples Counseling

Our professionally trained Christian counselors provide a safe, confidential setting for each couple to address the struggles that arise when marriage gets difficult. We utilize a variety of methods and resources to help each couple recognize their unique challenges and provide research-based interventions to facilitate healthy communication and equip them to build a solid friendship over time. The couples counseling offered at The Crossing is reserved for members and regular attenders (3 months or more).

Your first session with a therapist will be an interview to explore the kinds of goals you have for your marriage and what you might expect to achieve in therapy. 

Some of the areas we address in couples counseling include:

  1. Communication skills
  2. Building intimacy
  3. Conflict resolution
  4. Affair recovery
  5. Boundaries
  6. Parenting issues

Note: We do not offer personalized pre-marriage counseling as a service. Instead, we offer a class designed to help couples prepare for marriage and build stronger friendships. We encourage you to take Real Marriage which is offered each year. For supplemental pre-marriage counseling, please speak with the pastor who is officiating your wedding.

Member fee for Couples Counseling: $75 per session

Regular Attendee fee for Couples Counseling: $120 per session
